If you are a current college or university student who has decided to take up a working student job to make extra money, the first thing you should know is how and where to find a student job that would enable you to work while you are studying at the same time. Jobs for currently studying students would not be difficult to find if you know how and where to find them. The tips on how and where to find student jobs while you still are studying:
- The campus of the college or university is where you should first look for available student job positions. You could surf the website of your school and look in the section or web page where campus based jobs are posted. The main advantage of obtaining a job in campus is the convenience of the short distance from your work to your classes and the school dormitory if you live there. Hence, you would not be in a hurry in traveling between your work and your classes and you do not have to spend for any transportation fares.
- You could surf and read the websites of job portals or employment websites and search working student job positions. To save on transportation costs, you should prioritise in searching for job positions that are located near the school where you are studying. In addition, part-time jobs should be your preference because part-time work have flexible schedules that could allow you to adjust the time of your classes and work.
- Seasonal jobs such as during the winter holiday season and during the summer would allow you to earn money without affecting your class load and schedules.
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