Most of the studies have revealed that many students would initially have some difficulties in coping and managing their work study activities especially if the students are taking up their courses on a full load for the entire academic term or even the entire academic year. However, the studies show that once the students would adjust and settle in their studies and their jobs, they would gradually be able to balance and manage their student work study activities by following some basic tips or guidelines that they either learn for themselves or from other working students like them.
If you are planning to become a working student, you should learn the basic tips or guidelines on how to balance and manage your student work study activities. The tips for balancing and managing time between work and studies:
Make a compromise between the time of your work and studies. If you are already studying and you have a regular class schedule, obtain a job that is preferably limited to the total number of hours in a week that is free from your class schedule. You would still have some free hours at night to do assignments or projects and free time in the weekend to do other things.
You should organise your time by making a written schedule of your activities in school and at work. Make a written list of your class schedule and work schedule and take note of the hours in each day that is free from work and studies. Set aside the free hours for assignments, projects and in reviewing for examinations. You should stick to your schedule, but you should also adjust your it if there are emergencies or any other uncontrollable circumstances.
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