Are you one of the commendable few who juggle school and work as a working student; the academic scholar; the type of likes to bum away at university; a geek formulating a misogynist ploy on a she-can-never-be-mine hottie; or the perennial bad boy or bad girl who equate college life only with endless partying? Whatever kind of student you think you are, is the place where you can feel at home.
The site is a comprehensive student resource centre for help on academic problems, dealing with the pressures of college life, relationships, as well as useful and practical tips for students to cope with student living, in general.
Student living can be overwhelming to many, especially with freshmen students who recently got out from being babied in high school to trying to becoming an independent individual in a matter of a few weeks.
Our aim is to help students maximise the full potential of their skills and talents and understand certain academic processes. For instance, we have tips in essay writing, analysing student assessments, how to tell a good teacher from the not, and so many others.
Hence, expect to find myriad of tips and updates, as well as inspirational stories from other students who made it through college. Yes, it’s definitely not a walk in the park but nothing compared to what awaits you in the real world. Still, let’s brace ourselves together and onward we go.
Let us know how else to help you
Our team of experts in a range of disciplines would be happy to assist you. Contact us for any concerns you may have.