Compared to working students from secondary schools, it is especially difficult for students from universities, colleges and other tertiary education institutions because their study loads are much higher, they perform more writings such as essays, research reports, presentations, and other academic writings, and they have additional expenses such as tuition, books, and other educational materials. However, regardless if a working student is from a secondary school or from a university or tertiary education institution, the working student life is still very hectic and full of pressures. Therefore, it is important that the working students should know how to manage their time and the activities of their work and studies.
The tips on how to balance work and studies:
The working student life should be organized in terms of scheduling and the school materials you would need and use. If you are a university student who lives in a dormitory, you should organize the educational materials you need
for each day by arranging the materials according to the subjects of your course and the day that you need those materials. Arrange and put the materials in boxes, shelves, lockers and other storage space where they could be organized.
You should create a written schedule that should divide or manage the time between your work and studies and the schedule should be flexible enough to accommodate emergencies, unforeseen circumstances, and unexpected events that are related to your work and school activities. You should have a regular routine that you can maintain, but make sure you could adjust the routine when emergencies or urgent things come up. When your schedule has a vacant time, allocate assignments, projects and other academic works for that time instead of doing hobbies or non-essential tasks.
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