Do you think you have symptoms of stress and poor time management? These may include:
- Studying at hours when you know you can’t be productive;
- Feeling stressed and guilty about having lack of time;
- Cramming the night before any exam or deadline;
- Procrastinating;
Poor time management can be a source of stress and overwhelming in itself. Practicing student time management will help you a long way in your studies and work. Here are the principles of time management for working students:
- Pick your “best time” for studying. While we all have different highs and lows of concentration and attention, make the most of your “power” times to be productive at study. Are you a “morning person” or “afternoon person” or “night person”?
- Create a place conducive to study. Eliminate distractions which ca waste your time effectively. During times when you know there’d be noise in your residence hall, use that time to mingle with friends or other residents. When it’s quiet, use that time to study.
- Do difficult tasks or study difficult subjects first. When you’re mind and body is fresh, you can better resolve these tasks or process information better, thus, saving you time.
- Make room for play. You need to create balance in your life, between study and social life. Otherwise, you’ll get burned with work and fulfilling academic assignments leading you to become unproductive.
- Make it a point to have time for sleep and eat properly. No matter jam-packed your schedule is, a lack of sleep and poor diet would do you no better. You need to be fresh mentally and physically to be able to do your tasks well.
The trick is to get the most important things started. So if you experience any of the symptoms above, get back on track immediately by practicing time management.
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